
Website and Social Media Compliance – Countdown of the Most Common Violations

  • On-Demand Webcast

Have you evaluated your website and social media posts to assess whether they comply with regulatory requirements? In today’s regulatory climate, examiners are focusing their attention on institutions' websites and social media posts to determine compliance and finding an increased amount of violations. This not only impacts your exams and increases the possibility of a costly lawsuit, but it also impairs the ability of consumers to understand your products and services. Watch this on-demand webcast led by Doeren Mayhew’s John Zasada, where he highlights the most frequently violated federal regulatory compliance requirements for websites and social media posts, provide examples of web pages and social media posts containing violations, and much more. Dive deep into the requirements of various regulations, including:

  • Truth in Savings
  • Truth in Lending
  • Fair Lending
  • Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts or Practices (UDAAP)
  • Regulation D
  • Courtesy Pay

Learning Objectives

  • Gain knowledge on tips of how to avoid violations and strategies to improve your compliance performance.
  • Identify the most common violations.
  • Understand the frequency of each violation and non-compliance results.


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