
Doug Orth to Retire After Life-Long Credit Union Career

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After 42 years of servicing the credit union industry, Doeren Mayhew’s Financial Institutions Group Shareholder Doug Orth will retire effective Sept. 30, 2022.Doug joined Doeren Mayhew in 2015 when merging Orth, Chakler, Murnane & Company (OCM) into the firm with his co-founders John Murnane and Hugh Chakler.During the early years of OCM, developing the business from scratch was a struggle but perseverance paid off – going on to become a top 2 U.S. credit union CPA firm in the country by the mid 2000’s. Doug’s leadership and knack for developing business during OCM’s formation helped paved the way to double-digit growth over a 19-year period. Since the 2015 merger, Doug remained a key leader in the Financial Institutions Group – helping it grow to the $18 million dollar practice it is today.“Doug’s life-long dedication, leadership and strong advocacy for the credit union industry undoubtedly has positively impacted hundreds of credit unions and their members across the nation,” said John Murnane, Shareholder in the firm’s credit union practice. “Beyond that, he has been instrumental in building an amazing team and executing a strategy that has helped Doeren Mayhew thrive in the credit union industry. We are grateful for the leadership Doug has given and will miss his mentorship and sense of humor around the office, but we know that his legacy will be the continued success of our Financial Institutions Group well into the future."Please join us in wishing Doug well in this next exciting chapter of life.

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