We bring a lot to the table. Yours, specifically.

We're the No. 1 credit union auditing firm in the nation for good reason. From complex lending portfolios to high-volume daily transactions, we understand the nuances that make credit unions unique and leverage that expertise to your advantage.

Operating an employee benefit plan can be complex. The responsibilities as a fiduciary can weigh heavy on you in a continuously changing regulatory environment. We know benefit plans.  Defined contribution plans, defined benefit plans, 401(k) plans, and single- and multi-employer plans. Our dedicated plan auditors can unravel the complexities, instill confidence in your plan reporting and help you hold up your fiduciary responsibilities.

  • Full-scope and Section 103(a)(3)(C) audits 

  • Form 5500 preparation and review 

  • Form 990 preparation 

  • Internal controls and plan operations assessment 

  • ERISA, DOL and IRS compliance  

  • DOL and IRS audit assistance