SBA Loan Compliance Advisory

Bringing confidence to your institution's SBA program.

credit union merger advisory
16 k+
SBA Loans Reviewed
Years of Experience
Financial Institutions Served

Small Business Administration (SBA) loans add stakeholder value, but not without added risk. Doeren Mayhew brings Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) compliance to the equation. Because it's where we live and breathe, your SBA loan program benefits from our expertise – giving you confidence.

The SBA and federal government tend to hoover over SBA lenders. Holding you accountable to be compliant with applicable regulations and requirements. Be ready to face harsh consequences if you’re not.

At Doeren Mayhew, we help you get proactive. Sure, we validate compliance. But our pros go beyond just the checklist. Offering clarity on an expansive range of regulations. Sharing insightful tips along the way on best practices to identify issues and avoid violations before it’s too late.

Vendor due diligence reviews

Home Mortgage Disclosure Act

Flood Disaster Protection Act

Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B)

  • Adverse actions notices
  • Joint intent
  • Appraisal requirements

Bank Secrecy Act (BSA)

  • Internal controls, including policies and procedures
  • Risk-based member/customer due diligence and procedures
  • Training of staff and Board of Directors
  • Independent testing
  • BSA officer

SBA Loan Compliance Experts